Why I'm Publishing Mediocre Content

For any reader of my blog, you may have noticed that my content isn't fantastic. In my opinion, it's mediocre at best. As I go through my life, I get ideas on what to blog about. Sometimes those ideas are easy to formulate into posts and sometimes they're not. Sometimes I have a lot to say and sometimes I don't. Regardless of how passionate I am about the topic I'm choosing to blog about, there's one thing that keeps my posts in check and limits the time I get to spend on them: time.

As a full-time software engineer, part time Master's degree candidate, full-time husband and father, and active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I have a lot going on in my life. I simply don't have the time to dedicate to blogging that I hope to have in the future. Believe me, I want to make these posts perfect, I want to spend time researching, drafting, revising, and polishing each post, but I simply don't have the time at this stage in my life.

So, why blog at all? Why not journal instead? Why even bother publishing if the articles aren't quite what I want them to be? I really just want a place to put my thoughts. This blog is just for me right now. A place to share a few thoughts I have with the world. I do journal, but I don't write about the details of work. This blog is a place for me to think and reason about work and the things I encounter there.

But why publish? Simple. Just like with software, if you never ship, you never get value from it. The software means nothing. Same with these posts. If I didn't publish, they'd die. They'd be forgotten and I would abandon blogging (again). By publishing, I feel like I have an audience. I feel like there's someone there that I need to be sharing these ideas with. While I know that's very false right now (my blog has extremely low traffic), I keep publishing to keep myself engaged and so the blog has meaning and value at least to me.

So, if you're reading my blog and noticing typo's or the thoughts aren't quite clear, just keep this in mind. One day I'll go back and either re-blog about the things I'm blogging about now, or rewrite the articles and update them so they're better than mediocre. For now, I'm going go at least keep writing and publishing when I have something to say.
